Answer: Life rains on our parade all the time, why not choose to spread joy and cheer and warmth wherever we can? When you call your friend or significant other or even your dog a fun, complimentary nickname has lots of positives...
1. They like it. Most people love to be complimented. Find out what they enjoy most to be complimented on and make nicknames up with it. It will make them feel good. It might make them laugh. Laughter is good. It might lift their spirits. That never hurts.
2. You enjoy it. Choosing to say something up lifting to another person boosts your mood too. Your brain (disclaimer: The last science/biology class I took was in high school and I think I got a D in it) enjoys finding good things in life! Expressing your affection for another living creature who shares your sentiments makes you feel good.
3. It's free. Try it and see if you like it.